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Why Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) for Packaging?

Posted by Kevin Bullinger on Jan 16, 2018 10:45:42 AM


Choosing the Right Packaging Material is Challenging

The fundamental objectives of transport packaging materials are to preserve and protect a product from damage through the manufacturing process to delivery at its final destination. Choosing the right packaging material requires a balance of many factors, including ease of handling and storage, weight, cushioning characteristics, manufacturing efficiency, ease of identification, customer requirements, cost and more.

Design and distribution requirements for transport packaging are more demanding today than ten years ago. Two major factors – commercial globalization and e-commerce – contribute to this phenomenon. With these changes, small parcel distribution is becoming more common. This increases the importance of material selection to provide adequate cushioning at the best possible price.

Determining the correct amount of cushioning is critical to ensure both function and cost effectiveness. There are two types of data needed by packaging engineers to evaluate the performance of a packaging material: static and dynamic data. The following information focuses on dynamic cushion testing for expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam and what considerations.

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The Choice is Clear: EPS

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is a thermoplastic, closed-cell, lightweight, rigid-foam plastic. The low thermal conductivity, high compressive, strength and excellent shock absorption properties of EPS make it an ideal material for its broad application. Used in thousands of different ways by individuals and businesses around the world, EPS is relied upon to provide superior performance in various foam product applications.
